Dragon's Blood Jasper has distinct primarily olive green and mahogany red patchy and/or mottled colouring. This South African stone is not a Jasper at all, but a combination of Epidote (green in colour) and Piemonite (red in colour).
Dragon's Blood Jasper is a stone for inner strength and willpower, as well as a handy talisman for courage. As human beings we are driven to undertake tasks, create projects and accomplish feats that do not always immediately make rational sense. Quite often such pursuits require perseverance, personal discipline and an element of bravery. Whatever your compelling reasons, if you have an inner calling to pursue a lofty goal, get to it! We do not know what tomorrow brings and your sense of accomplishment will be a priceless gift you can keep entirely for yourself, indefinitely. Be the dragon and conquer your mountain.
Stone carved into the human skull form is a tool that can be used with meditative practice to expand your consciousness.
12cm length x 10cm height x 8cm width