Prehnite is a predominantly translucent pale green stone with a yellowish tone, found in several areas throughout the world, including South Africa and Australia, and more recently in India and China. Prehnite is formed when hot and subsequently deposited in cavities in igneous rock.
Prehnite has a reputation for being a 'magical stone' able to assist you in developing your precognition. Whether you accept that or not, Prehnite is associated with both your solar plexus and heart chakras, and as being a stone representative of unconditional love, being enchanted with Prehnite is not surprising. In deep meditative practice this high vibration stone is able to energise and balance your solar plexus and heart chakras, giving you the boost you need to courageously pursue your heart's desires.
This specimen includes the silicate mineral Epidote which is said to be an energetic 'amplifier', making this combination with Prehnite an undeniable power package!
Stone carved into the human skull form is a tool that can be used with meditative practice to expand your consciousness.
11cm length x 8.5cm height x 7.5cm width