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Clear Quartz Skull Wand [1k327]

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  • Regular price $1,500.00

Quartz is one of the most common stones on the planet but this commonality is not representative of its value.  Quartz is quite simply a master stone; a 'master' due to the power and possibility possessed.  Quartz can transmute energy, that is facilitate a change in energy form; transcend an obstacle, issue or matter beyond what you thought possible; transform your spiritual, emotional and physical presentation with your intention.

I was once told by a wise woman that to be careful what you wish for when working with quartz, as it will probably eventuate and it may not be the smooth graceful transition you imagined.  This is helpful advice as sometimes we really need to examine what it is that we want and evaluate whether those wants are in your best interest.  It is easy to become lost in the modern world of never-ending material desires and to be stuck in a never-ending cycle of trying to keep-up.  Is that what you want?  Are you filling a void with stuff?  Is it something else that your soul is needing?

Meditative practice is now overwhelming considered to be conducive to good health via a multitude of benefits, including but not limited to; slowing down thoughts, releasing emotion, tension and stress, and improved regulation of bodily process including heart rhythm.  One of the stand out features of meditative practice is the ability to see things differently, especially when you were thinking along the lines of 'no options' and accompanying significant distress.  When we are trapped in such thought processes, it is very difficult to see forward and make good decisions, this is when we need to take time out and stop, and be still.  Quartz is a helpful and powerful ally in these situations.  Your Quartz stone can be your guide concerning the 'take time and stop and be still' process.  Crystals and stones are natural tools we can use on our human journey, and Quartz is arguably one of greatest power tools made available to us by mother earth.

This particular carving is designed to utilise the power of the human skull form in combination with a Clear Quartz wand to direct and channel energy as required. Stone carved into the human skull form is a tool that can be used with meditative practice to expand your consciousness.

8.9cm length x 16.9cm height x4.6cm width